Understand Angular CLI?

In this tutorial we learn about Angular CLI
What is angular CLI ?
Why should w e use Angular CLI and the benefits .

If you already experience in Angular So setting of angular with scratch is laborious and time consuming and error prompts. So manually setting up an Angular Application from scratch following:

  • Create application folder and add the configuration files.
  • Install the packages
  • Create root application component
  • Create root application module
  • Create main.ts file
  • Create index.html

So a lot of configuration for scratch coding will be required. So let's understand CLI

What is angular CLI ?

Angular CLI is command line tool the help us that:

  • Create Angular applications faster and with great consistency
  • Create the boiler plate code for an angular features like components,directives,pipes,services etc
  • Create boiler plate code for Typescript features like classes,Interfaces,enums etc.
  • It follows angular best practices and conventions out of the box
  • Run unit and End-to-End tests
  • Create optimized builds for deployment to production

Note: Angular CLI helps us to improve productivity:

Understand Installing Angular CLI

To install Angular Node 6.90 or higher & NPM 3 or higher
To check version you need to go Command prompt and type

To install Angular CLI
npm install -g@angular/cli
npm i-g@angular/cli

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